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Old 04-08-2005, 06:22 PM   #55
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Originally Posted by 1tuff6
why o why did u go down to D&T's. he is the BIGGEST rip off merchant in adelaide....... any guy who uses mufflers imported from QLD and re-stamped with his name on em.. then quotes them as his own for a start.. not to mention his dyno figures are bull, had all my work done at Profix Port Adelaide and recommend everyone to go there... Done all my mates cars from non-turbo supras to commies to the new xr8's and xr6 turbos.... they were even involved in the EA saloon car series developin the extractors
By the sounds of it yor not a happy chappy, and i respect your comments but to promote one service by running another down is not the best way to go, by higlighting the positives of the other without running the other one down makes better sense.

Anyway we all make decisions and i have made mine and am happy with the outcome, as for getting mufflers from another state, i think all companies buy in thier gear from somewhere unless they manufacture it themselves but then i suppose they would still need to import / aquire the raw materials so the comments regarding this is not relevant.

If as you seem you were unhappy you should have taken the issue up with the owner as you would with any product in any store. Personally these guys have been great and followed up with good backup service and i have no drama's.

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