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Old 23-10-2014, 12:52 AM   #44
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Join Date: Mar 2013
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Default Re: Claytopia's XB GT Coupe restoration

Sorry people this is going to be a bit of a soap boxer.

Ok so when I first started stripping the car back in 2010 I already had a fair idea about the local panel and paint shops, there was one shop in particular that had been recommended to me. It was a fairly new shop run by a young guy (20’s is still young right?) but he had a great reputation. He was already doing panel and paint on cars while in high school, so you know, one of those guys - not only with the passion but the skill too.

So one day I was passing his shop and low and behold what did they have in the yard but a genuine XC cobra. So curiosity being what it is I pulled in to have a look. Now I assume when you own a smash shop with an XC cobra in the lot and some fellow just parks up and starts looking it over, its not something you let slide, so obviously the Shop owner came out and approached me to find out who the heck I was and what I was doing looking over this car in his yard.

Now as you can probably tell from my writing style I am not afraid to talk. Hell I’ve been a salesman for over 25 years and find talking easy. So I introduced myself and explained to him that I had an XB GT coupe that I was just about to start stripping -back blah blah. The conversation starts flowing and pretty soon I’m looking at pictures of his work and other cars in his shop and the quality of the work looks good. So I establish a bit of a rapport with the guy. He finds out where I work and it turns out he buys from the competition!… Remember. me the Salesman? - pretty soon I have a new customer and I am getting to know him better!!

Now I will make it clear I am in no hurry to finish my car. Heck when I first got my coupe I rang the GT club of WA and said “hey guess what fellas I just bought a GT. Can I join the club?”. Lord toffee nose on the other end replied “Was it an XW or an XY that you purchased as I am not aware of any that have changed hands recently.” I answered “nah mate she’s an XB Coupe” to which Lord Toffee hemmed and erred questioning “An XB - are you sure you want to join?” I thought to myself, with an attitude like that, “No” I said “Bye” and I hung up.

Realize that just cause I am in no hurry to finish doesn’t mean I am willing to sit on my hands and not actually start either. I like having a project on the go. So I took my time stripping the car, I got poached so I no longer worked at the same place but every now and then I would pop in to say hello. Now life is a funny thing, so by the time I was ready he had shut up shop to focus on the family business but was still doing cars on the side and he’s still happy to do my car etc. The week I finished stripping the car I gave him a call. The planets were aligned - he just finished a Morano, give him two weeks to clean up his workshop then he will call me and the jobs on.

So I waited 4 weeks but no phone call. I better call him I thought.. I rang and left a message and repeated the same ritual once a week for 2 months (yeah I know) finally I give up and start looking elsewhere, but he calls me out of the blue. He says “Listen I am really sorry I can’t take your car on, I’ve got to get out of my unit then find a new one. Besides that the business is really busy and I just can’t put any time into your car until maybe next year, oh and it will take me at least a year to finish.”

Now mind you this is nearly 4 months ago, so I am looking at 8 months until he starts then at least another 12 months to finish, hmmm 20 months. I know I’m not in a hurry but even that seems a bit too far out, so I tell him straight, “I don’t mind waiting that long but can you commit to that time frame?” Short answer No, so I told him I wanted it on the go sooner than that. “That’s fine” he says he understands and to go see they guys who took over his shop as they still do good work.

So I went back to the panel shop spoke to the old 2IC who is now the boss. “I thought you were going the get the old boss to do it” he says, so I bought him up to speed. “Ok if that’s what he says fine but just let me talk to him first” he ended. I thought it strange at the time but moved on, gave him a week and went back (after all they are mates and he was catching up with him that weekend) But at the next visit he says “Listen sorry I forgot to mention it, but he’s coming around to see me tonight I will talk to him about it then and then call you.” This time I gave him two weeks and popped back into the shop. When I asked “So did you talk to him?” he says “Yeah, he still really wants to do your car.” I remind him “Yes, but he can’t commit to a time frame and I want to get started.” To which he replied “Well I don’t want to upset him so; No.”

So off I went back to the drawing board. Ok the phone, onto my car show mate for more recommendations. He gave me two shops so off I went to the first shop. The boss was away so I spoke to the leading hand. Now the leadign hand loves working on cars, and was just about to finish a 66 mustang but the boss was jacked at him that he took that job on, so wants to know can I come back next week and talk to the boss. Sure no problem.

So the next week I am back and talking to the boss. I explain what I have and what I want done to it. He’s asking a few questions, so I am feeling thing are going well, and then out of the blue he goes to me, “You know mate a job like that could run up to 30K” to which I reply (poker faced) “well I have put aside 25 for it, I reckon its better than you think and won’t go that high but if that’s what it takes to get another 40 years out of the car so be it.”
He looks me dead in the eye and said “I’ll be honest mate your one of the few people who seems prepared to get the job done properly - I just don’t want to take it on at the moment.” “Ok” I say feeling kicked in the guts. “See ya then” I say as I turn and start to walk away. “Where are you going” he asked me. “Pardon” I replied. “Where are you going” he repeated. A bit a taken aback and a little confused as I thought the conversation had been over I remind him “I just asked you if you would paint my car.” Then the conversation got even stranger…
Him: “Yes”
Me: “You gave me an estimate mate”
Him: “Yes”
Me: “I said that’s fine but you said you weren’t interested”
Him: “Yes”
Me: “Well?!”
Him: “Well what?”
Me: “You’ve just said you won’t do it”
Him: “Yes”
Me: “Well then that’s it – see ya” and I turn to leave again…
Him: “Where are you going?”
I look him dead in the eye: “Bob I asked you to paint my car, you said no”
Him: “Yeah”
Me: “well then were done; good bye” and off I went.

Am I the only one who finds that conversation strange? Perhaps a bit too much time spent in the painting booth without a mask on!?

So back I went to the first shop said to him straight, “Mate I want you to paint my car will you do it?” He started to give me a wishy-washy answer but by this stage I had had a gutfull. “Mate yes or no, tell me straight, will you do it?” He started back on with the less than straight answer. Now I ask questions to get answers. If I wanted to indulge in a pointless collection of words that really don’t go anywhere I’ll read a Ben Elton book (sorry hun I had to draw that comparison) so I rudely cut him off and said “Im going to take that as a no”. He didn’t correct me so I wished him a good day and was on my way.

I wasn’t sure whether or not to write this instalment, you know small towns and all that, but I have mentioned no one by name and tried to be vague enough to cover for this fastidious lot, but in the end I thought I will share because as we all know building cars rarely goes smooth but it sure doesn’t have to be as hard as some people try to make it either!!

I’m off my soap box now, Sorry I just really needed to get that off my chest. Don't worry though this part of the story has a happy ending, I'll get to that next time...
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