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Old 24-07-2015, 09:21 AM   #116
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Originally Posted by xpvanman View Post
So both of these experiences have really made me miss what I once had. But the question I have been asking myself this week is -can I afford to potentially lose somebody else in my life ? or if I stay single the rest of my life - die a lonely old man with a broken heart ?
Dealing with a separation right now where I put my whole being into caring and loving a woman more than anything in the world (which lead to me pushing away ALOT of people including direct family) I'm kind of in the same boat however I feel that my heart is starting to lean towards loving again. Just thinking about her depresses me as I thought we would be together until we died.

I wouldn't stay single for too long only because it makes your mind wander to places you don't want to be. Things you don't want to think about. You mention you have a daughter from a previous relationship, has she been there for you?

Your wife's daughter however is a different story and requires intervention but the sounds of it. She will be hurting as much as you but chooses to act out instead of reflecting. Both dangerous in their own ways. If you are able to pull her aside and try to make her see sense.

The other thing is to swallow your pride and go to the GP or call Beyond Blue or something like that. Ever since I was made to move out at a younger age I decided then and there that I wouldn't accept anyone's help. This situation I'm in now made me realise that it doesn't hurt to seek help. In the last month I've been to counsellors and GPs because I need to help me, mentally and physically.

I do feel better about myself now and have subconsciously taken steps to better me.

Do the same. It doesn't hurt to ask.
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