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Old 03-03-2016, 01:38 AM   #230
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Originally Posted by castellan View Post
When you are a cop, violence is violence and your the one that has to deal with it all.
Others have to do as they are told and there is no excuse.

How many Ambulance people have to deal with violence ?
I have seen them being kicked in the head when they are looking after a victim.
No there is no excuse at all to attack ambos.

People who snap as they call it when defending another, is no excuse at all.

What if a cop just snapped as you say ? no they don't get away with that would they ?
Cops being spat on or some nut gone for your balls or gun or threats made to their kids, well then I support the cop full on regardless with grubs like that.

It's not fun to be attacked week after week by anyone and no one should have to put up with crap like that.

We have people complaining about the cop did this or that, without any regard for the cop at all, fact is the cops direction has to be respected totally and the problem nowadays is many people think the cop is just some other dude with equal rights as they have, it's just madness people trying to tell a cop what to do.
One has to conduct themselves in a responsible manner regardless and if it goes beyond that, then one has to be dealt with and that's the Law.

What is going on nowadays is that the new age mob are off with the pixies.

I know a dude down the road who has said to me, he will do this or that to a cop or he could of done XYZ, he does not get it, he does not comprehend the reality of such an action will not be good for him at all.
I have pointed it out to him don't ever do such foolishness or you will be sorry you ever did.
But he just does not get it, he thinks he will be fine

People think that they will have a go at someone with a knife and I say you better be prepared to wear it yourself it you do.

A mate of mine got attacked by some dude that pulled up in a car and jumped out with a wheel brace going him, but my mate got it off him and dished out the wheel brace back on him, oh he may of gone a bit to far and he ended up in jail for it, but hey he was the one that was attacked by some clown for what ? being a Aboriginal, he never knew his attacker and he goes to jail because some nutcase tried to kill him.
Oh and as for your police/ambulance shut n closed attitude on just reminded me of what happened on my front steps sometime last year. I got up to flashing lights(only ambulance at this stage)......but there was a guy sitting cross legged holding some scissors. Apparently he'd cut one of the ambulance guys earlier when they'd picked him up as he was an "escapist" from the local mental self admitance hospital. Now when the police turned up they continued in exactly the same manner as the ambulance pair were......talking calmly and convincing him they were helping him and so on!
They talked him off my steps, put him calmly in the ambulance....NO cuffs, and one officer jumped in the back and they took off.....presumably back to the hospital. DESPITE the fact he'd cut an Ambulance officer!
They certainly didn't treat the guy with a taser, a gun or a beat down stick like any other violent offender would be treated!
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