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Old 07-03-2016, 04:33 PM   #283
Ross 1
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Originally Posted by superyob View Post
Is it possible to be depressed without knowing it? (General question, not related to myself...)
Yes it can, a lot of people don't realise it but they are masking their feelings with drinking, drugs, violence or general apathy to life. I only realised I was depressed etc when I self analysed as to why I was doing some of the above for no obvious reason. I was lucky and had a small epiphany which lead to counselling, it took me a while to break through all the macho crap and admit I was in counselling to my friends. I was surprised how many were also seeing a professional or asked me for their number. CS123 posted a very good article on the weekend re the amount of tradies who commit suicide, I have been a tradie for over 20 years now. I have seen many people on site seem perfectly normal and then not be there on Monday as they have ended their life. Countless others are drinking themselves numb or constantly high just to get through the night. The macho male attitude is slowly declining and it is no longer a problem to ask someone if they are ok. I have finally after all these years found a happy medium for work load. You are constantly stressed when you are really busy or don't know if the next contract is getting delayed. Not only do you have all your own bills and family to support, most of the guys that worked for me were the sole bread winners for their families. If you are worried about someone, talk to them or get them to talk to a doctor to find the next step. The worst feeling I have been left with was when a young guy, who seemed a little down nothing too major, finished work, drove home and shot himself. You spend a long time asking yourself what if I had just said something more.
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