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Old 24-10-2016, 07:15 PM   #21
Starter Motor
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 21
Default Re: Mondeo LX 2.3 petrol - Mazda L3 motor - engine whine

I tried to pay attention to my 2.3 today. It makes a noise that's pretty similar, sort of a whir/whine. In comparison to the Mazda video though, the noise in my Mondeo is a lot quieter, more consistent, lower pitched and "smoother" if that makes sense. To me that Mazda sounds unhealthy in a way my car doesn't. My car's been to the mechanic a couple of times and he's not mentioned anything and it hasn't worried me at all.

If it helps, in a quiet area with no traffic, the noise in my Mondeo is only really audible below 40 km/hr when the engine is cold, dropping to 20km/hr when it warms up. It's present at cold-startup and varies with engine speed.
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