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Old 11-10-2021, 11:14 AM   #12
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Default Re: Pool Pump vs Jacaranda Debris

Just curious how the cleaner connects in this pool. Typically its either a plate is clipped in over the strainer and suction port in the skimmer box and the cleaner hose connects to this plate and runs out the flappy door or it has a separate vacuum port somewhere in the pool wall.

It sounds like the former to me????

Originally Posted by Citroënbender View Post
it seems odd how loosely the baskets fit.
If your talking about the basket in the skimmer box, it shouldn't fit too loosely. I only have experience with Onga brand pool stuff (it seems to be the most common around here) and the baskets fit in nice and tight, they actually lock into place, and hole size of the basket isn't what I'd call course. Nothing like what you find in the pump baskets. Very little gets through our basket.

The one in pump doesn't need to sit in tight and its a very sloppy fit.

I suppose its possible the original basket has gone missing or broken and has been replaced by some random brand aftermarket unit.

As tbro4123 said, a leaf catcher/canister is a good idea. Provides good first line of protection. Zodiac (as in the link) and Onga make some good options. I think, but 100% not sure, that as cool as the Zodiac one looks it requires special hose fittings either end to connect it. It why I didn't buy it and went for a simple Onga one.

Standard hoses slip on either end and they are easy to open and clean.

We have palms, eucalypts, pine and wattle trees all around us, plus all the other random trees and grass and this thing catches everything. Very rarely does it let anything through.

Filter socks sound like a good idea, but from a practical perspective they are a nightmare. By design they catch literally everything and require constant maintenance. If you don't keep on top of cleaning them they can easily clog up to a point where water cant get through them and you cause problems for the pump.

If that much crap has gone past the baskets then make sure the owner is on top of cleaning the pool filter itself. Whether it be a sand or cartridge filter, if the inlet side gets too clogged up it will raise the pressure and damage the filter and pump.

If its a sand filter, they look like a giant 9kg gas bottle with a lever for flow direction on the top, then make sure it gets a good backwash. Before you do find where the filter outlet is and make sure its suitable to dump a couple thousand litres of water, which is what it might take to clean.

On a side note, I almost got attacked by these b@stards when taking those pics.

One or both of them live under the slab surrounding the pool. The are usually quite friendly, but I didn't see them when I walked up... And they appeared quite angry this time. I think it was a case of coitus interruptus!

This is a pic from earlier this year when it appears they were having a lovers quarrel.
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