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Old 26-04-2022, 10:39 PM   #10
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Default Re: Odd SMS - Missing Person

This sort of targeted notification should be used more in Australia.

2 months ago I was on a tiny island in Philippines. In the middle of the night my phone started blaring with an alarm tone I had never heard before.

It really shocked me and woke me up in a panic. It didn't stop till I stopped it myself.

I woke to find a public alert message on my screen (not a SMS style regular notification) warning of some bad weather coming my way (or similar).

I received 2 or 3. I played with the settings on my phone and found that there is a sort of local alert option I could turn on and off - it was defaulted to on I assume.

In all the times of flood and fire (and I lived in an area of both) we relied on radio, going to Facebook or other sites / apps to get the latest information - nothing localised was sent to us that I could recall in the way it was received in Philippines.

Why isn't this used here more often? Bloody brilliant idea.

I've been around the world a couple of times or maybe more.......
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