Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 20-12-2022, 04:55 PM   #19470
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by prktkljokr View Post
This is just my own opinion but the way I see it its just 1 more way to die, the list has been added to since I was born, and im sure before I die there will be more ways ( viruses etc ) added to the list.

I have had Covid and I am a asthmatic with a few minor health issues, for me it was no more than a Flu, my wife got it and she had no symptoms at all, her elderly mother who is in poor health just complained of a headache, not saying that Covid does not kill, but it does affect different people in different ways, BTW we were all unvaccinated, not because we are anti vax, just because it is still a choice and not mandatory to have it.

The focus just seems to be on Covid deaths and predictions on how many people it will kill, we have natural disasters, mass shootings, car crashes, plane crashes, heart attacks, strokes, the list goes on, there are more things out there trying to kill us, and we are all going to die of something that is out of our control.

I do find the information regarding the deaths from vaccination rather alarming in that there is no reporting, I know of 3 people in my circle of friends that have died within a week of receiving the vaccine, I don't know of anyone in my circle of friends that have died from Covid yet, but 2 blood clots (45 & 50 years old) and 1 heart attack (27 years old) is a bit suss to me, plus have had 1 friend get blood clot in her leg and my work foreman the same, coincidence?, plus there are others that we just dont know why or how they died

How many funerals have you been to in the last 3 years that are not Covid related, then how many have you been to that are, my score is 12 that were not Covid related and 0 that were, plus 8 funerals I could not attend due to Covid rules, that's a lot of people just dying from things they had no history of.

Before Covid started, I only had 3 funerals in 5 years, so what has changed?, these people were not old, they seemed fit, had no medical problems that we knew of, but died from either a organ failure, blood clots, aneurism, heart attack, stroke etc, is there something else going around, just bad luck or is it the vaccine?

Again this is just my experience, I am not discounting the fact that Covid kills people and it is a problem, but I am starting to think the remedy for it could be killing us too.

Im just over it, plus my circle of friends is getting smaller by the month and Covid has nothing to do with it.

Dont take life seriously, its not permanent
Before covid came along I have known of a few people who died unexpectantly from heart attacks and other ailments which I thought was premature for their age of being relatively young, now since covid came along some people are blaming covid or is it just coincidence?
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