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Old 11-03-2024, 06:15 PM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2021
Posts: 62
Default Thieving b@stds!

Woke up this morning to the sound of my dog barking in the street. Looked in my backyard and was shocked to see my roller door open (my house backs onto an alley). Collected the dog then on to check out what's going on. Look in garage and Mrs car door is open, glove box open and center console open. Fark !!

But how did they open the roller door? Go to car out front of house and it seems both remote controls to the doors are missing. Fark me !! Car was obviously compromised and they got the controls.

Wake the Mrs and get her to check what's missing from the her car. Well sadly a credit card and house keys. So call the bank, locksmith etc.. Also removed and re-coded roller door controls.

So the moral of this story for me is: -
- Leave nothing in your cars in the way of valuables, keys, remote controls

- Lock your car even if in garage
- Use auto-lock settings on your cars
- Add extra locks to roller doors (in process of doing)
- Install security cameras on all access points (process of doing)
- Get a bigger dog (but I love my Jack Russell )

We've lived in the area for 15 years and this is the first time anything like this has happened. Not sure if it is a sign of the times or what. We were lucky as no transactions and nothing else taken. Need to stay vigilant with the home security.
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