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Old 23-07-2006, 04:11 PM   #22
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Originally Posted by auiixr8girl
: I don't think testosterone has anything to do with it...Once the good old adrenelin gets released males and females are on the same par as far as i'm concerned.It all comes down to if you know how to drive and handle your car,and imo there are plenty of both sexes out there that can't do either
Don't worry too much about him, the red means he is on permanent holiday.

My personal point of view is that the Chick's bracket is a great thing but at some stage I think the chicks should be getting into the mainstream racing as well.
A car cannot tell what sex it's driver is and I don't think that there is any real testosterone released except for some heroes that think they are he men for having fast cars. Rachelle Splatt is a prime example, she is not a great heifer and is in fact quite small yet she takes it to the blokes. There are quite a few chicks over time that are front row racers.

I would love more chicks out there but not just in the chick's bracket, I want to see them as part of the main event as well once they feel comfortable.
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