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Old 06-06-2006, 12:51 PM   #1
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Default Getting more females into racing

Now after running two relatively successful 'chicks brackets' as a part of the AFF drag days, I must say i'm really happy that there are starting to be a lot more women who are prepared to get out there and give it a go. But, what can be done to keep women in the sport???

There is even a group for women in motorsport called the "Australian Women's Motorsport Network (AWMN). That encourages women into all forms of motorsport.

So here's my question, what are some suggestions to keep women coming into motorsport...???

I would like to see in future another 'chicks bracket' at drag meets dedicated to the women that haven't raced or have had very limited experience at the drag strip, to encourage them to get out and have a go.... In their street cars. This bracket is for women who aren't used to racing and want to have a go, not for the experienced drag racers that we have seen in the past....

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Old 06-06-2006, 01:13 PM   #2
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The tide is turning ... Look at the top levels of the sport.. Erica Enders, Ashley Force, Angelle Sampy, Karen Stoffer, Melanie Troxell, Rachelle Splatt, Debbie Reed, Kathy Stevens are all the perfect spokespersons for the 'Women in Sport' movement.. I see alot of younger girls out at Willowbank for the test and tunes.. One thing i notice is they sit in their cars and dont mingle like the boys do.. It is good to see them have a shot, but until they get out and talk the talk (I dont mean that in a derogatory sense as alot of the guys have nfi either) they will slip under the radar and go unnoticed.

Enough blabber, my suggestion is to not segregate them as such but treat them like any other potential racer.. Hand out flyers to the ladies and not only the guys, the list I quickly came up with off the top of my head shows that racing is not gender specific. The biggest selling point to get ladies drag racing is to introduce them to the sport in a group, not a gender specific group but an experience level group.. Alot of newbies, male and female would go if they were up against people of a similiar situation

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Old 07-06-2006, 02:48 PM   #3
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If more chicks go, ill spend more time at the track lol
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Old 07-06-2006, 02:59 PM   #4
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One thing i notice is they sit in their cars and dont mingle like the boys do
A lot of the time you might find they sit in their cars because they are nervous and trying to remember what instructions they have given or maybe trying to figure it all out...

I know I am nervous when getting out and doing something around others that have done it before, no-one wants to stuff it up, but we all often do..

Perhaps if some of the guys went out of their way more to calm the nerves of not just the females but anyone that might seem new, that would help...
Just a thought :P

The biggest selling point to get ladies drag racing is to introduce them to the sport in a group, not a gender specific group but an experience level group.. Alot of newbies, male and female would go if they were up against people of a similiar situation
I have to agree wholeheartedly with that statement...
It is scary to go out and do something you have NFI what you are doing. To go up against people that do it regularly...

Maybe have a newbies learn to drag day.. that could work..

Just my 2 cents worth!!
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Old 07-06-2006, 05:17 PM   #5
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My girlfriend races my speedway car with me. I never encouraged her she just wanted to. IMO having a girls class.. is stupid. Everyones human we are all the same just coz your a girl why do you get ur own class? Girls will do it if they want to but most would rather spend their time shopping. Most of the girls i know who are into cars have been to the racetrack have tried drifting etc and they didn't need encouragment because they wanted to do it!!

Below is one of my best friends. She was 17 when she first started racing her eb and she did it because she wanted to. All of her friends did'nt give a . lol Most of them don;t even know what a burnout is NOR do they care!! I find these types of attitues most common in girls!

I don't know why your encouragign women to get into racing.. i mean, they all know its there they will do it if they want to!! We don't encourage men to do the same! ITs a known fact that more men are into motorsport then women which is why 95% of the cars at a street racing meet are owned and driven by males.
This is where i agree with racecraft. Women to me should be treated the same as men based NOT on your sex, a racer is a racer! Rachelle Splatt proved that!
I hope i made sence and didn't offend anyone :P
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Old 07-06-2006, 07:18 PM   #6
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HI all Mrs RapidXR6 here, the hubby showed me this thread and told me to read it. I have always had an interest in motorsports both 4 and 2 wheels due to the nature of my big brothers. And growing up on my parents farm i and full access to the vehicles from a young age. The first car i took to a 100 was in the middle brothers cars a ford coupe, 351 4spd, he was 'away' and my other brother, the younger of the 3, took it for a spin. Of course he asked me if i wanted a drive so i wouldnt dob him in..... so i did have a drive.
"Slow down a bit will ya" me brother says..
"Why, i'm only doin a 100"...i giggled.
His reply was "weeellll the speedo aint in km it's in miles!!" :Reverend:
It's still around somewhere around Coleraine victoria, less the driveline and in a pile of rust.

Getting back on track about this thread i've just a few questions to ask.
How much will it cost?
Where and when.?
Do i need a special licence.?
Is MY : I tell him all the time : :MrT_anim: : it's MINE standard Ba xr6 ok to drag.?
My only other problem is location... rural s/w victoria. 4 hours to Melbourne, 5 hours to Adelaide. Other than thaaat COUNT ME (ok US) THE HELL IN.
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Old 07-06-2006, 07:35 PM   #7
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Well its long been proven that motor-racing is a male dominated industry, some women feel intimidated by racing with blokes....

A Chicks brackets is purely to improve female participation, and prove that it is an equal playing field, some women tend to think that guys are going to be better at it than them... but i can understand the whole newbies concept sounds like a better idea.

eed-250, i've seen first hand the amount of women that started in the sport purely from having 1 meet that was a female only event, 31 women to be precise... so obviously not as 'stupid' as you originally thought.... so i'm sorry if you thought it was stupid..but its been proven to be quite successful.

Thanks for your feedback

And Mrs rapidxr6, we will keep you posted if and when there is an event on next...
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Old 07-06-2006, 08:10 PM   #8
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My missus raced at the LS1 Nationals and at our AFF Drag Day and had a ball. She got to race her car in a controlled environment, met some real nice people, and now wait for it............ she now want's me to make her SS Commodore go quicker, so now it's getting LS1 edit, etc etc to go faster.

She has been to many a drag race as a spectator and helped out when i have crewed for some of the Top Fuel teams and we even went to LA for our honeymoon and attended a NHRA event.

I think it's great that more chicks get involved either they like it or hate it, either way they can see your passion for it and support you at the track or stay at home.

The chicks bracket HAS to continue at the AFF meets lets all make sure of that.

Cheers Craig
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Old 07-06-2006, 08:41 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Chris
If more chicks go, ill spend more time at the track lol
Yeah, i have heard Mark's going out in a dress next time out to take the Chicks bracket. :newangel:
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Old 07-06-2006, 10:28 PM   #10
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Fair enough Melz. We all have opinions. I was discussing this with my girlfriend this evening and she reckons chick classes are more novelty for the guys to laugh at. She would rahter mix it and beat the boys and yeah i ahve that same atittude to. I also think a chick class is taken lightly(not seriously).. Also the fact a chick with a quick N/A 6 will have no chance of winning a chick bracket if she is running against a chick in a GT40. That's of course if the chick bracket has differnet categories or is run on handicaps.. Still if girls want to be treated equal then they should mix it up with the boys in the real brackets instead of there own.

I never said a Female only race day is stupid i was reffering to the 'female bracket being stupid' and thats only my opinion!
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Old 08-06-2006, 07:31 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by eed-250
Fair enough Melz. We all have opinions. I was discussing this with my girlfriend this evening and she reckons chick classes are more novelty for the guys to laugh at. She would rahter mix it and beat the boys and yeah i ahve that same atittude to. I also think a chick class is taken lightly(not seriously).. Also the fact a chick with a quick N/A 6 will have no chance of winning a chick bracket if she is running against a chick in a GT40. That's of course if the chick bracket has differnet categories or is run on handicaps.. Still if girls want to be treated equal then they should mix it up with the boys in the real brackets instead of there own.

I never said a Female only race day is stupid i was reffering to the 'female bracket being stupid' and thats only my opinion!
The only guys that have laughed at a chicks bracket or thought it was a novelty were normally immature, P-platers that haven't even raced themselves.....

Actually our chicks brackets are run on a DYO system, and if it wasn't for my dodgy carby throwing a fuel block i could have proven that even a 19 second car can win... and never refer to anything as stupid before you've seen it in action....

But thanks anyway for your opinion, even though it is off track of what i'm after...
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Old 08-06-2006, 08:01 PM   #12
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Motorsport, especialy drag racing is a testosterone release something women find hard to relate to. Its frenetic, nerv racking stuff that obviously doesn't suit the female pshyci and domeina?

As for yourself Melz your one of the handfull of younger girls that enjoy competeing. Good luck with your quest its a tuff one. (excuse spelling)
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Old 08-06-2006, 08:55 PM   #13
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I reckon It's a good idea,my girlfriend wants to have a go but she feels a bit nervous about having a go at a regular street meet, a private day or something more relaxed like a chicks bracket/day I think she would jump at,and she will be driving my car when she decides to have a go.
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Old 08-06-2006, 08:59 PM   #14
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Go the girls I say... :SaiyanSmi cause belive me as soon as they get the hang of it . there will be some very sorry blokes with big mouths with nothing coming out of them except excuses... :
1 st hand experiance 1 little yellow 10sec torana 1 female driver = 1 whoosha out of dyo .. lol ..
still got that motor just waiting for you melz .....
Go get them girls ... Whoosha

........Age and treachery will ALWAYS overcome youth and skill.......

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Old 13-06-2006, 08:40 PM   #15
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Just look at REDXR8BLOKE and REDXR8CHICK. (Mark and Tracey)

They have raced the same car at the last 2 AFF meets and the Chicki has beaten the Bloke twice. :evil3:

I think the chicks bracket works well.

Some things I have noticed and been told about.

The ladies are very nervous about the whole thing. :
Some people need to shut there Pie holes and give them a chance.

It was bought to my attention that maybe a little bit of an explaination on how it works is required.
I didnt give it a thought till I was coaching a few ppl.

Ok I try to explain.
No one had told the first timers anything about the 2 sets of staging lights or where they are or how they even work ect.

I had a ball coaching the XR8CHICK.
Tracey wanted to know how to do a burn out. :
So I told here how to do a burn out.
Followed by where and how u stage ect.
Once she got that I said ok work on different launch styles. Expained that ect.
Then last of all I said ok lets work on reaction times.

I know some of this is probably over the top for a first timer but it was a guide to what I thought would help build confidence and a new Racer....Lol

She was Hooked after the 1st event and gave Hubby the ok to do some Mods.
They came to the next event where Tracey handed Mark his AR$E to him again.

Im sure they will both be back as Tracy loves it. :

My 5 cents....


P.S. Keep up the good work Mel.
I'd rather be BLOWN than stroked

Yella Terra Supercharged

Power Output?

(And now a mortgage extension)

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: Anything that seems or sounds illegal is all in my head and due to an over active imagination... :
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Old 13-06-2006, 09:13 PM   #16
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You're right Kev, i also had a ball teaching my missus a few tricks of the trade so to speak. Seeing the look on there faces when they get there timeslip to see a new PB is pretty cool. She's still spewing i haven't showed her how do do a burnout in a manual yet....LOL.....i pay for her tyres if you know what i mean.

When my missus went out early at the last AFF day i thought that's it she's off home with the kids cause it's too bloody cold but no she heard theres grudge races at the end and wanted to run a couple of friends.

Some words of advise to the guys who have to get permission to go racing. Bring her along and even try to get her to run her own car because who knows if she likes it your next time will be a whole lot easier when you want to go to the drags or if you want to mod the car.
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Old 14-06-2006, 03:09 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Melz

There is even a group for women in motorsport called the "Australian Women's Motorsport Network (AWMN). That encourages women into all forms of motorsport.
And a fantastic site it is too. The ladies are an awesome bunch!! They held a drag training day a little while back. The date has just been set for the next one (March 31st 2007) Should be great. Perfect for any ladies wanting to get into racing. It teaches every aspect of it. And although I'll most likely have a little bit of experience before the training day, I'm still going to be there! The more I can learn, the better.

Don't give up on the ladies bracket Melz. It's needed and it's important. Regardless of what anyone thinks, the reality is women get intimidated and a chicks bracket is the perfect setting for easing the nerves.

Me personally - I play with the boys. I don't see myself as any different. I'm there for the same reason they are. But not all women are the same. I'm not intimidated - others are. There would be women that would be very greatful for the comforting setting of a chicks bracket.

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Old 14-06-2006, 08:12 AM   #18
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we need more girls in circuit racing too!

the number is growing though, and i think that will continue. I have noticed that a lot of girls thought that they wouldnt be able to, or werent sure how to go about it, and now that a few "pioneers" have paved the way, shown that it is possible, chicks will become an expanding, and integral, part of australian motorsport.

I wouldnt be surprised if we see a female driver in V8SC in the near future...wouldnt even be surprised if her husband races in V8SC as well! Think of how marketable it would be to have the first full-time female driver also...it wont be long
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Old 14-06-2006, 06:37 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by FRDGAL_AU6
Me personally - I play with the boys. I don't see myself as any different. I'm there for the same reason they are. But not all women are the same. I'm not intimidated - others are. There would be women that would be very greatful for the comforting setting of a chicks bracket.

I am the same as you Krissy, i don't mind playing in the same field as the guys, but as we've stated, there are those girls that are intimidated by others....

Originally Posted by Craig@ACE
Some words of advise to the guys who have to get permission to go racing. Bring her along and even try to get her to run her own car because who knows if she likes it your next time will be a whole lot easier when you want to go to the drags or if you want to mod the car.
Craig that is a fantastic point you raised!!

I like to thank everyone for their positive input! And yes Dave it would be great to see more girls out on the circuit racing scene aswell!!! Maybe i could borrow your car one day!! hahahaha (only joking, don't want to hand it back broken)

Just a note to tell everyone even the LS1 guys are getting on board with this 'chicks bracket' racing. They have an all girls bracket at their big nationals later in the year, unfortunately its only open to Holdens & Chevs!! :
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Old 23-07-2006, 11:12 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by xd5.8l
Motorsport, especialy drag racing is a testosterone release something women find hard to relate to. Its frenetic, nerv racking stuff that obviously doesn't suit the female pshyci and domeina?
: I don't think testosterone has anything to do with it...Once the good old adrenelin gets released males and females are on the same par as far as i'm concerned.It all comes down to if you know how to drive and handle your car,and imo there are plenty of both sexes out there that can't do either
good girlz drive bit*hin toyz
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Old 23-07-2006, 12:54 PM   #21
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I agree with the chicks bracket but I think that the girls should eventually do both.

My first attempt at drag racing was not that long ago, and I have to say, I shat myself. It took me 2 hours to get in and have a go. I eventually did a run with my boyfriend driving and then I did a run with me driving and him sitting next to me. Then I did a run on my own. All good from there and after that I couldnt stop. I was seriously addicted

By the time the chicks bracket came around, I think I was fairly well getting used to it. Im not a very good drag racer to be honest, and I will partially blame my really bad clutch and that supposedly a BA manual is quite a hard thing to launch... but seriously, Im not very good and I dont get enough practice, since the only time I race is when we go to Heathcote as AIR is poo.

I enjoy the chicks bracket though, because, aside from being comforting, its just kinda fun to race with other chics. The funny thing is though that I have done better racing with the blokes in DYO than with the girls. I was runner up a few meets ago in the DYO with the fellas, but I was out in the first attempt with the girls because my clutch died - Im looking forward to having another go!

I like having a go with the blokes, DYO or otherwise. Thats the way I started. Its fun with the blokes and as far as I know, I have never been laughed at. When I first started, the officials at Heathcote Park Raceway were actually really helpful and gave me a few pointers.

I think, as mentioned above, the reason why there are less chics in racing than many would like is because of the general sorts of interests that females tend to have. Most of my female friends wouldnt know a Ford from a Holden, cant stand cars and usually just drive poxy little cheapo 4 bangers to and from work. Most of them whine and carry on about their blokes mucking around with their cars all the time. These girls prefer their shopping, shoe collecting and general girly stuff. This is just the way it is. My friends prefer to watch Desperate Housewives or Big Brother than the V8 SC series. I personally would rather watch Play School than DH or BB.

I just dont think that most chics would WANT to race, because they generally have NO interest in cars.

Originally Posted by eed-250
I was discussing this with my girlfriend this evening and she reckons chick classes are more novelty for the guys to laugh at. She would rahter mix it and beat the boys and yeah i ahve that same atittude to. I also think a chick class is taken lightly(not seriously)..
And also, to answer a point above, I do not think that any of the blokes sit and laugh at the chics bracket. Hahaha I dont think they would dare! To be honest, I have felt that the chics bracket was quite well received by the blokes at AFF and that they quite enjoyed watching it!

In actual fact, I dont think I have seen so many chics racing at a Heathcote event since Melz started the chicks bracket. I remember going to race and being either the only girl racing, or one of two or three at the most. However, the chicks bracket brought loads of girls out and everyone gave it a go and the girls did really well! I think that after that, there will be HEAPS more girls racing at AFF Heathcote events from now on and we have ONLY Melz's chicks bracket idea to thank for that - if not, we would still be seeing only one or two at each meet. So that is proof, to me, that Melz's idea is a good one - the results speak for themselves.

As I said, I like racing with the blokes, its nice to beat them and also to have a good discssion afterwards with everyone about the event, compare mods etc. And it is true, heaps of the girls beat their partners times too - my boyfriend hasnt yet been able to match my time in my car - although he has gotten a 14.5 out of a stock AUI XR8 which is pretty good too.

So thanks Melz, it has added a whole new element to Heathcote events and it has brought a lot of girls out and given them the confidence to have a go, and these girls WILL be taking it up to the boys at some stage too!

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Old 23-07-2006, 04:11 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by auiixr8girl
: I don't think testosterone has anything to do with it...Once the good old adrenelin gets released males and females are on the same par as far as i'm concerned.It all comes down to if you know how to drive and handle your car,and imo there are plenty of both sexes out there that can't do either
Don't worry too much about him, the red means he is on permanent holiday.

My personal point of view is that the Chick's bracket is a great thing but at some stage I think the chicks should be getting into the mainstream racing as well.
A car cannot tell what sex it's driver is and I don't think that there is any real testosterone released except for some heroes that think they are he men for having fast cars. Rachelle Splatt is a prime example, she is not a great heifer and is in fact quite small yet she takes it to the blokes. There are quite a few chicks over time that are front row racers.

I would love more chicks out there but not just in the chick's bracket, I want to see them as part of the main event as well once they feel comfortable.
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Old 23-07-2006, 04:59 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by XA-Coupe
Don't worry too much about him, the red means he is on permanent holiday.

My personal point of view is that the Chick's bracket is a great thing but at some stage I think the chicks should be getting into the mainstream racing as well.
A car cannot tell what sex it's driver is and I don't think that there is any real testosterone released except for some heroes that think they are he men for having fast cars. Rachelle Splatt is a prime example, she is not a great heifer and is in fact quite small yet she takes it to the blokes. There are quite a few chicks over time that are front row racers.

I would love more chicks out there but not just in the chick's bracket, I want to see them as part of the main event as well once they feel comfortable.
I agree with that... I think its a good place to start and get comfortable for some girls. The chicks bracket has definitely brought more girls out, and I think we will see the girls race in the regular racing sessions too, in larger numbers, from now on.

Now, I just cant get enough of it!
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Old 27-07-2006, 05:44 PM   #24
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Last night i let my gf go down willowbank. I ran a 13.5 but she still managed to grandma it to a 14.9 without stalling it up.

I told her to stop when she sees the lights, not after them. So a few people had a chuckle when they saw the brake lights go on about 30m before the line :P

Anyhow, i think its a good thing to have women in the motor sport arena(The ones that do more than show flesh).
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Old 14-08-2006, 06:42 PM   #25
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Sorry to rehash an oldish thread but i've had something thats been bugging me for quite a while, and I would like to hear your thoughts.

I've been talking to some very prominent female racers, who are well respected within their fields, and who even I have looked up to..... well thats until recently.

I find it disgusting that I was told by this female racer, that women shouldn't bother with the race setup of the car or even building a car. And apparently it should be left 'to the men'. All women should have to do is get in the car and race..... It just appals me that this is their opinion and they are telling other women this. Whatever happened to women 'learning the ropes' so to speak!!!

What horrified me more was to be told that the only way they could be where they were was because of their husband, and they believed thats the only reason why women can get anywhere in motorsport.


Okay i'm going to take a breather... hopefully you all see why i'm so upset that this is the attitude being taken by some of our female racer role models
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“The Americans lecture the world on democracy and then won’t let me turn the traction control off!”
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Old 14-08-2006, 06:51 PM   #26
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Yes I wouldnt agree with that either Melz.... I would think that the person driving the car whether it be male or female, would be potentially better or know more about whats happening within the car if they had a hand at the buildup or the setup of the car

And the most important thing, I think anyone would find it fun and challenging to be part of that process
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Old 14-08-2006, 07:48 PM   #27
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Don't be discouraged, at the end of the day you will have the satisfaction of knowing that YOU built it.
Reminds me of a sticker i have seen. "Built, not Bought"
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